Online Companion Provided by Cengage Learning Custom Solutions


Federal Tax Cover Individual Tax Cover Corporate Tax Cover

The 2007 Series has been revised to reflect changes in the tax law and significant judicial and administrative developments during the past year. As we go to press with this edition, there are various tax proposals being considered in Congress that may lead to significant and immediate changes  in the tax law. Should any of these proposals become enacted during the year, we will continue our long-standing policy of preparing an updated supplement for current users of the text.


TurboTax®: The highest rated and best selling tax software comes free with this series. Related questions have been added throughout the text, enabling students to take advantage of the tax preparation software. Federal Taxation includes TurboTax Basic, which guides you step-by-step through individual returns on IRS-approved forms, and TurboTax Business, which offers help and advice on corporations, S corporations, partnerships of up to 100 partners, LLCs, and also estates and trusts. Individual Taxation includes TurboTax Premier, which offers help and advice on corporations, S corporations, partnerships of up to 100 partners, and LLCs as well as estates and trusts. And Corporate, Partnership, Estate and Gift Taxation includes TurboTax Business.

Learning Objectives:  A summary of key points can be found at the beginning of each chapter that outlines for students what they should have an understanding of after reading the chapter.

Problem Materials: Available at the end of each chapter, a variety of assessment tools are offered for gauging comprehension. These include Discussion Questions and Multiple Choice Problems, as well as Comprehensive and Research Problems that highlight topics discussed in the chapter.

You Make the Call: Students are challenged by hypothetical situations that require reasoning and judgment in resolving practical tax examples.

Check Your Knowledge: Periodically, unusual cases challenge students’ understanding of the tax law.

In addition, accompanying Study Guides (ISBNs 0759364869, 0759364737 and 075936401X) for these texts are available that will help you review the material and test your comprehension. The study guides provide chapter reviews, study exercises, true-false and multiple choice questions. These may be used both in your initial study of the chapter material and in your review. The study guides can also be purchased via our online catalog located at


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