
Business & Economics

Let Cengage Learning Custom Solutions help create the perfect learning solution for your course. We offer professional publishing services, access to Cengage Learning's library of copyrighted material, and customized media options that let you teach your course, your way.


Create a text that matches your syllabus using Custom Learning Materials | Cengage Learning' online book-building application TextChoice. Browse and select content from leading Cengage Learning texts and collections-even include your own content--to create a text that is tailor-fit to the way you teach.


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Solutions for Business & Economics

Build Your Perfect Casebook

CaseNet is Cengage Learning 's library of business cases and articles from leading providers including Harvard Business School Publishing, Darden Business School, Ivey, and NACRA. Using TextChoice you can quickly create your ideal casebook-even combine cases with text chapters and your own material to create a complete and affordable course resource. Using our browse paths and powerful search engines you will quickly find the cases you need.

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Cases in Financial Management

Included in the CaseNet Collection are the Klein-Brigham and Brigham-Buzzard series Cases in Financial Management. Both sets of cases are available to create custom casebooks for use in undergraduate and graduate Corporate Finance courses. By focusing students on a narrow range of issues in each case-- rather than the more broad-based approach found in some business cases--the students are allowed to delve more deeply into the topic as well as utilize detailed problem solving techniques.

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Cengage Learning Collections
